I remember hearing a cardiologist once say that the cardiovascular system has nothing to do with the musculoskeletal system. I have also heard as much from other specialties during my medical training. This idea of separating systems has become so
The Rule of the Artery: Osteopathic Reflection
The rule of the artery is supreme.” Andrew Taylor Still, D.O. This quote is often mistaken as being the primary principle that osteopathy is based on. Dr. Still, the founder of osteopathy wrote about the importance of other structures
What Else Cesar Millan Taught Me About Medicine
It would always catch my attention when I would watch The Dog Whisperer television show and Cesar Millan would help dogs with self esteem problems by having the dog owners walk their dogs like if they were in a dog
Is Your Neck Pain Affecting Your Life?
Do you carry stress in your shoulders? When you squeeze the fleshy area between your neck and your shoulder, do you find achy, “crunchy” knots? Do you get tension headaches, have tenderness at the base of your skull, neck, between your
The Five Components of the Primary Respiratory Mechanism (Cranial Concept)
In 1929, William Garner Sutherland, D.O. presented the idea of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (OCF) also referred to as cranial osteopathy. ‘Craniosacral therapy’ is not the same as OCF and that will be discussed in other articles. OCF has