I remember hearing a cardiologist once say that the cardiovascular system has nothing to do with the musculoskeletal system. I have also heard as much from other specialties during my medical training. This idea of separating systems has become so
How To Assess The Impact Of A Tongue Tie On Patients: Osteopathic Considerations
Why The Tongue Is So Important The tongue is the only muscle, or really group of muscles, in the body that has one freely moveable end. Not only is it attached to most fascial planes directly or indirectly, but
The Rule of the Artery: Osteopathic Reflection
The rule of the artery is supreme.” Andrew Taylor Still, D.O. This quote is often mistaken as being the primary principle that osteopathy is based on. Dr. Still, the founder of osteopathy wrote about the importance of other structures
What Happens When Your Back Goes Out?
Imagine you are about to pick up something really heavy. You take a deep breath in and hold it, bend down, grasp the object, and bare down. You grunt as you try to lift the object. Suddenly you feel this
3 Assumptions Doctors Make About Health
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word health is defined as, “the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially : freedom from physical disease or pain.” In short, this is saying that health is simply the “absence of disease or
5 Ways Your Shoes Are Deforming Your Feet
An Osteopathic Physician’s Perspective Shoes are not designed to mold to the shape of our feet. Instead our feet are forced to mold the shape of your shoes. Over time, our feet lose their pliability. The interesting thing is that
The Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy: 3 Health Advantages Related To Your Gut!
Guest Post By Joyce Rockwood, CCH As a colon hydrotherapist since 1997, the most common question I get asked is “What are the benefits of colon hydrotherapy?” Truth be told, the list of benefits trails as long as any line
The Interrelationship Of Structure And Function: A Progression Through The First Osteopathic Principle
When one first glances at osteopathic principles, there may not seem to be much depth to them. Philosophically there is nothing special about the principles. Actually many who are not osteopathic practitioners agree with osteopathic principles. What separates an osteopathic
Is Your Neck Pain Affecting Your Life?
Do you carry stress in your shoulders? When you squeeze the fleshy area between your neck and your shoulder, do you find achy, “crunchy” knots? Do you get tension headaches, have tenderness at the base of your skull, neck, between your
Osteopathy and Sinus Congestion
Most patients seek out osteopaths for musculoskeletal aches and pains. One thing that many people do not usually think about going to their osteopathic physician for is sinus infections, sinusitis or sinus congestion. Osteopathy was originally used to treat infectious diseases