From authors to patients to presidents, osteopaths have had a large effect on the world around us since the 1800’s. The osteopathic profession has silently influenced much of the world around us and yet most of the public does not
A Case Of Eyes And Posture: Osteopathic Considerations
I was having trouble with a patient’s upper back. I had made good progress with it but there was just one area that would not get better. It affected her posture. Finally one day, I asked if she wore glasses.
Osteopathy For Lymphedema: A Patient’s Story
“Congratulations! You don’t have breast cancer,” said the surgeon as Monica woke up from her surgery. They had removed all of her breast tissue and all the lymph nodes in her right arm. Five years later when she was sitting
Osteopathic Medicine: We Feel Your Pain
“My doctors are starting to question my back pain,” said Meghan, “They have run a lot of tests and can’t find any reason for my pain.” Meghan heard about me from another patient and came with a hope that I
Self-Help Tips For Mild Carpal Tunnel Related Symptoms
Introducing The Carpal Tunnel Release Series Within about a couple months after the birth of my daughter, I noticed that I woke up one night with the first three fingers of both hands numb. I know this is from
The Musculoskeletal System Never Acts As An Isolated System
I remember hearing a cardiologist once say that the cardiovascular system has nothing to do with the musculoskeletal system. I have also heard as much from other specialties during my medical training. This idea of separating systems has become so
How To Assess The Impact Of A Tongue Tie On Patients: Osteopathic Considerations
Why The Tongue Is So Important The tongue is the only muscle, or really group of muscles, in the body that has one freely moveable end. Not only is it attached to most fascial planes directly or indirectly, but
Adult Frenectomy For Pain Relief: Osteopathic Considerations
Why I Opted To Do The Frenectomy I decided to consider a frenectomy for a tongue tie (ankyloglossia) after doing it for my daughter, Viviana, when she was 2 months old. Seeing how the shape of her face immediately
The Rule of the Artery: Osteopathic Reflection
The rule of the artery is supreme.” Andrew Taylor Still, D.O. This quote is often mistaken as being the primary principle that osteopathy is based on. Dr. Still, the founder of osteopathy wrote about the importance of other structures
Questions About Health? Start With Nature For The Answer
These days there is so much conflicting information about health. There are so many different diets, exercise programs, medications, supplements, and more. It can become overwhelming even if you are an expert on health. Since its beginning, osteopathy has looked