Why The Tongue Is So Important The tongue is the only muscle, or really group of muscles, in the body that has one freely moveable end. Not only is it attached to most fascial planes directly or indirectly, but
Tip To Help Relieve Jaw, Neck, And Head Pain
This is a simple maneuver that I often give to my patients to help them with jaw, head, neck and even back pain. This should be done 1 to 2 times per day and no more until painful tender spots
Are You Considering The Iliacus In Low Back Pain?
Most manual practitioners view the iliacus muscle and the psoas major muscle as one muscle. These two muscles do share something in common and that is they both insert into the same tendon. In many books you’ll see them referred to
Intermetatarsal Space Release Of The Foot
The purpose of this article is to describe a simple exercise you can do to help maintain the health of your feet. Our shoes are narrower than our feet. (1) Shoes have an impact in the overall shape of our feet.(2)
Osteopathic Approach To A Dysfunctional Iliacus Muscle
The iliacus muscle lies on the inside of the pelvic bones. Although it can be a big factor in low back pain, is seldom evaluated or treated. I have previously written that often times when we treat a dysfunctional psoas major,