“Congratulations! You don’t have breast cancer,” said the surgeon as Monica woke up from her surgery. They had removed all of her breast tissue and all the lymph nodes in her right arm. Five years later when she was sitting
The Rule of the Artery: Osteopathic Reflection
The rule of the artery is supreme.” Andrew Taylor Still, D.O. This quote is often mistaken as being the primary principle that osteopathy is based on. Dr. Still, the founder of osteopathy wrote about the importance of other structures
Questions About Health? Start With Nature For The Answer
These days there is so much conflicting information about health. There are so many different diets, exercise programs, medications, supplements, and more. It can become overwhelming even if you are an expert on health. Since its beginning, osteopathy has looked
What If We Are Approaching Pain All Wrong?
Imagine you are driving down the street and the “check engine” light comes on in your car. You stop your car, get a piece of masking tape, and cover up the “check engine” light. Now that you cannot see the
Nutritional And Homeopathic Tips For Back Pain
Guest post by Natasha Zarrin, H.H.C. So just about all of us have experienced some type of back discomfort. The reasons are as varied as we all are. Whether it’s chronic or a result of negotiating slippery sidewalks, having
3 Assumptions Doctors Make About Health
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word health is defined as, “the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially : freedom from physical disease or pain.” In short, this is saying that health is simply the “absence of disease or
5 Ways Your Shoes Are Deforming Your Feet
An Osteopathic Physician’s Perspective Shoes are not designed to mold to the shape of our feet. Instead our feet are forced to mold the shape of your shoes. Over time, our feet lose their pliability. The interesting thing is that
The Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy: 3 Health Advantages Related To Your Gut!
Guest Post By Joyce Rockwood, CCH As a colon hydrotherapist since 1997, the most common question I get asked is “What are the benefits of colon hydrotherapy?” Truth be told, the list of benefits trails as long as any line
The Interrelationship Of Structure And Function: A Progression Through The First Osteopathic Principle
When one first glances at osteopathic principles, there may not seem to be much depth to them. Philosophically there is nothing special about the principles. Actually many who are not osteopathic practitioners agree with osteopathic principles. What separates an osteopathic
Food And Mood: Top Ten Natural Stress Relievers
Guest Post By Andrea Moss, www.mosswellness.com 1) Hot water: Excellent for settling a stressed or queasy stomach, and for relaxing and cleansing the body by stimulating our intestines and helping move waste out of our body. A simple, magical remedy